23 March 2007

contract almost signed...

We are so close to the starting line. Greg and I have been working over the last months to prepare and finesse the proposal for Stavanger 2008. There have been lots of ups and downs but it seems it's almost done with this phase.

Today sees the first tentative (virtual) meeting with the designer about the website redesign and print and first meeting with Cat Lee who will be the primary research assistant. While Cat was over we listened through some of the event recordings and the re-recordings from the last DIAL and suddenly it seemed like a reality, so good to be doing this again, making it better, more inclusive and more ambitious. Exciting months ahead!


Unknown said...

Personally I am requesting another session from our DaDa specialist, and don't forget the coffee!

DIAL-A-DIVA said...

DaDa man will be enlisted by force if need be and 24 hour coffee provision is in the contract!