07 July 2007

Supplier changes

Hmmmmmm..... well, where do I start.

As sometimes happens on a project, everything starts of well with negotiations, and you decide who the best vendors are. At some point after many discussions you even go so far as to agreeing contracts etc.
Then the fun starts!
The first Dial a Diva had a very successful run barring one part of the project, recording, so the vendor managed it well.
For Dial a Diva 2007, it was down to two vendors, who on cost were very similar, however one communicate well, and this is usually a good sign.

Upon asking for some of the extra bells and whistles, and some fairly basic things that are easy or commonplace, the communication stuttered a bit, and yep, extra costs were charged.

Communication slowing down is a big issue on the project, as the nearer and nearer we get to September the 8th, the more rapid things get, recordings, operator scripts, etc etc.

Micromanaging the vendor, or spending a massive amount of time holding their hand is not an option, so the vendor previously chosen is on hold.

Yes, we will have to change the numbers on the website and posters, but what is important is that the technical solution works, and works well.

Updates soon

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